Payoneer Mobile App

Payoneer the leading online payment processor introducing mobile app for its Debit Card holders.

The app will initially be available for iOS and Android, so all testers need to have a compatible Android or iOS mobile device. Not everyone who signs up will be accepted to the beta test, so make sure to submit your details as soon as possible!

If you are a Payoneer account holder and are interested in being one of the first to test out the app, you can apply for the beta test by sending an e-mail to with the following details:

  • Name
  • E-mail (as listed on the Payoneer account)
  • Country
  • Mobile device (e.g., iPhone 5, Samsung Galaxy SIII, etc.)
  • Operating system (e.g., Android 4.2 “Jelly Bean”,  iOS 6.1, etc.)
